Minorities Intro
There are many types of minorities in America.
People can be divided into so many subgroups of humanity.
Those who feel like a minority tend to withdraw from the 'majority-class'.
To illustrate, look at this group of coins.
If you were instructed to sort these coins into majority/minority coins, how would you do it?
- by the number of coins in each denomination?
- by the total value of each denomination?
- by the age of individual coins?
- by the metal market-value value of the coins?
- by the collector's market-value of each coin?
Which is the most valuable coin here?
Well, if you traveled by bus in the 1960s, the dimes might be the most valuable
because bus stations back then had pay toilets that required a dime to enter.
These same sorting issues apply to humans. We sort by:
- male or female
- shade of color
- diseases and genetic afflictions that can make a person a minority
- income. Though the wealthy are the minority, they are still the majority, eh?
- crime victims and crime perpetrators
- level of education
- lack of a parent - which draws so many young people into woe, poverty and crime
- judicial woes, either as guilty or while being absolutely innocent
- environmental disasters, such as Mt. Vesuvius.
That minority of people from Pompeii, way back in 79 AD - they are still remembered.
In this section we want to look at various facets of minority life.
More below...
3 things...
Concerning people-groups, there are three things I believe,
and I believe Jesus will agree with me, when He and I meet face-to-face.
1) All people-groups have unique difficulties that other people-groups scarcely understand.
2) Every people-group has flaws that they are blind to, but everyone else can see.
3) God has behavioral standards that everyone must equally comply with,
no matter their history or circumstances. This is one facet of social equity.
Remember, the 10 Commandments and the very demanding 'Levitical Law'?
It was specifically written for a huge group of newly freed slaves.
1) All people-groups have unique difficulties that other people-groups scarcely understand.
2) Every people-group has flaws that they are blind to, but everyone else can see.
3) God has behavioral standards that everyone must equally comply with,
no matter their history or circumstances. This is one facet of social equity.
Remember, the 10 Commandments and the very demanding 'Levitical Law'?
It was specifically written for a huge group of newly freed slaves.
There were specific punishments for breaking the rules.
This tells us that God's has equitable standards for everyone.
This tells us that God's has equitable standards for everyone.
Joshua, Chapter 7 in the Old Testament talks about Achan,
who as a former slave - broke God's laws and was dealt with strictly.