Our abundance languages


In 1992, Gary Chapman published a book called 'The Five Love Languages'.

He explained his belief that all people have a love-code,
actions that make them feel loved. 

I read the book years ago and agree with it. 
It's a good read for marriage counseling - and for parenting.
I have special things that make me feel loved
according to my relationship with the person in question.

Now I propose, that like love languages, people also have 'abundance languages'.
Those certain things or actions make a person feel they have a sense of abundance
that helps them go through life with a sense of contentment.

The overeater's source of abundance

Short but sweet; food is the thing with overeaters.

embracing hunger

"I'm Hungry!"

Maybe not.
Maybe you're not hungry. Maybe you're just not stretchy-full'.

Hungry vs Not stretchy-full.

All lot of people think they are hungry, when really they are just not stretchy-full.
Their stomachs are not feeling 'stretchy', 
and they can't stand not feeling stretched-out in the stomach.
It makes them feel poor, abandoned and vulnerable.

There again, anyone with the stretchy-issue needs to redefine their sense of abundance.

In fact, we need to learn to find solace and a sense of accomplishment in feeling true hunger.
True hunger is a sign of success in weight loss.
We need to learn to embrace 'hunger appointments', 
the times we schedule ourselves to eat less than our body requires
so our body will instead burn the unhealthy fat we carry around.
(After we have clearance to diet, from our healthcare giver,)

And... there is a third factor - those people who constantly need to eat - for the satisfaction of constantly ingesting something. They need to always be consuming something. Some large people are also heavy drinkers and smokers. Always ingesting something, trying to fill up.
I have a streak of that in me. Probably a feeling of emptyness.

Ignored Blessings

Everyone wanting to lose weight long term
needs to devise a sense of abundance that doesn't include food.
When I quit smoking, (3 packs a day), I had to rewrite my lifescript without cigarettes.
Unfortunately, I put more food into the script.
Now I have to create an abundance language with yet different ingredients.

So many people turn to food to try to make up for what they think they are missing.
But most of them already have so much.

1) a roof over their heads
2) a bed to sleep in
3) obviously - plenty to eat
4) indoor plumbing
4) as much education as they are willing to work for. 

So many people have blessings they ignore, if they don't have EVERYTHING they want.
Count your blessings, even more so if you are a Christian.